Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Creamy Ham, Salami and Broccoli Pasta

As we wound up going out for dinner on Mother's Day, we had to shuffle the meal plan a little, and I was faced with coming up with something having forgotten to get any meat out to defrost.  I checked what we had to use up and came up with this pasta, which scored a big thumbs up from the family.

Unfortunately, my stovetop died a couple of nights ago, so I've had to go ghetto with the camp stove until its fixed.

Creamy Ham, Salami and Broccoli Pasta

200g short pasta (we used macaroni, it was all we had)
1 head of broccoli, chopped into small florets (I saved the stalks for TMX stock paste but you can chop and include if you like)
1/2 400g can of corn, drained (you can use fresh or frozen if preferred)
100g ham, thinly sliced into strips (1 section of the ALDI 400g ham packs)
80g salami, thinly sliced into strips (1 section of the ALDI 360g salami packs)
2 eshallots, finely sliced
80g cream cheese, chopped
300ml cream (thickened is fine)
1 teaspoon garlic powder
Pinch black pepper

Cook pasta according to packet instructions, adding the broccoli (and corn if using frozen corn) 2 min before the end of cooking time.  Drain and set aside.

In the now-empty pot throw in the cream cheese and cream and stir over heat gently until the cream cheese has melted into the cream.  Add garlic powder and pepper.  Return pasta and broccoli to the pan and add the remaining ingredients (ham, salami, corn and eshallots), toss together and serve.


Honestly, I could have used less meat, but I just used the amounts that came in the cells of the ALDI packs.

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